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Don’t sit on the Fence!

Back in my younger days, it seemed most everyone acknowledged there was a God, but there were some who chose not to follow Him. I was once acquainted with a feller who was “lost,” and he knew it. He knew God was the Creator, and he knew that He sent Jesus to die for our sins and that He arose and ascended to the right hand of the Father. But my friend refused to follow Jesus and ask Him to be Lord of his life. I had to ask why. He told me, “I loved my dad, and if hell was good enough for him then it is good enough for me.” As far as I know, he still feels that way today. I continue to pray for him. I would appreciate it if you would as well.


The pandemic transformed the workforce and how people do business in today’s world. It also brought about the Great Resignation where thousands of employees left the workforce, leaving companies reeling and trying to fill critical positions. We’ve been working in recent years to help fill the employment pipeline for some of our state’s most impacted industries, like education, healthcare, engineering, and trucking, as well as trade industries like electrical and plumbing. While our legislative work continues to strengthen these industries, we’ve also created scholarship programs to entice students and adults into specific high demand fields and voted to direct millions of Oklahoma’s portion of America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funds to address these workforce shortages.

Newly established Cameron University Banking Institute o ers Certifi cate in Banking and Finance to employees of fi nancial institutions

In an effort to create a skilled and trained workforce pipeline for banks, credit unions and other financial institutions in southwest Oklahoma, Cameron University has launched the Cameron University Banking Institute (CUBI). To that end, CUBI has established a Certificate in Banking and Finance that is available to current bank/credit union employees who are seeking additional education to advance their career.

Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization receives 2023 excellence in regional transportation award

Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO), on behalf of the Southwestern Oklahoma Development Authority (SWODA) and the Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG), has been awarded a 2023 Excellence in Regional Transportation Award from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) for receiving the 2022 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant to develop a Regional Transportation Plan for southwest Oklahoma. NADO is a Washington, DC-based association that promotes programs and policies to strengthen local governments, communities, and economies through regional cooperation, program delivery, and comprehensive strategies.